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Showing posts from September, 2017

No im not looking for a guy to date

So tonight our neighbor came over and we were talking about religion and she was asking me if i went to the church to look for cute guys and it totally threw me off guard because it was unexpected and also because right now I'm not looking for anyone and just there and honestly if i was looking for someone, i don't know if it would of been a guy or a girl and after our conversation i realized i need the connection that i had before where i could talk to people about this stuff going through my head.

Come follow my blog

So i am wanting to meet people and connect with followers through my blog. How do you get followers through twitter? I live in my own little world and want other people to come and visit...i want to meet and talk to people through my blog...

Thinking of an old friend part 2

So after thinking about it, i realized that every so often my old friend comes to me to show me parts of myself that i haven't been focusing on or neglecting.. We were in our own little world and most people thought we were a couple unless you knew he is gay and I'm bi or so it appears at the moment...still a work in progress and one reason i keep it to myself... So anyway, i am basically a loner again and that ironically was when i met him and i think what i miss is having that strong connection with people and i also need to have it with myself... I spend a lot of time thinking about him and almost wishing i could call him or text him but i know it has been years and i think instead of beating a dead horse, i need to work on that part of me that i found with him...

Been thinking of old friends

I don't know why, but I keep thinking of old friends of of them i had an intense dream about even though i haven't seen him for 2 years or maybe even longer and maybe its a sign that i need to be my own best friend and i haven't been doing much of that and i don't want to see him, but every so often he shows up in my dreams and maybe its because of how close we were and how after a lack of communication after the 2nd time of reconnecting, he never reached out and i didn't either...even though it has been awhile i still wonder what it would be like to run into him- would he even say hi or amything or act like we were never friends...its something i have thought about and maybe because we haven't talked at all and i had thought of texting at one point, but honestly, if you stop communication with someone and they don't reach out, why keep it up?

Not like the others

Well its after the hurricane and im just sitting here thinking and this was going to be a longer post, but im changing that soo here is one of the thoughts running in my head... I keep to myself mostly- i work with my coworkers and get along with most people and those that i don't get along with i don't bother with and they don't bother with me either...last year showed me the people i don't want to be around because they are all gossipy and concerned about what other people are doing and have to be the center of attention and this year i am.being selective in who i interact far it has worked and the fact that we have been out for over a week due to Irma, that has helped too lol...but honestly, my concerns have been the hurricane and getting sleep and power...we have power now, but no water yet...hopefully soon.